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Managing Allergies In Dogs

Just as human's suffer can suffer with a range of allergies, so can our dogs. Allergies can be very uncomfortable, they can impact on mood, health and even behaviour. Understanding some of the most common allergies that our pet dogs can suffer with can help identifiy problems before they start and manage the symptoms of common canine allergies.

Food allergies

This is among the most common allergies your canine friend could suffer from, and in many cases the leading cause is beef, as the trigger for almost 70% of food related allergies. Other common allergens include dairy and wheat products. Symptoms can be variable and can be very difficult to manage including digestive upset, skin complaints including itching and hair loss, through to weight loss or hyperactivity. . Young animals are much more vulnerable, and sometimes your dog can become sensitive to one type of food over time. New allergies can develop, so you need to keep a look out!

If you suspect your dog has a food allergy, you should have a chat with your Veterinarian, They may suggest using an elimination diet. Your vet can design a suitable diet from this. Barker & Barker Natural Dog Treats are generally suitable for dogs with allergies, with all natural ingredients and no cheap bulk fillers that can upset your dog.

Flea and tick allergies

Every owner should be aware of when and why they should be preventing fleas and ticks but in some cases they can be picked up when out on a walk or visit with other dogs, even after use of a treatment. Flea allergy is actually more common in cats but is seen in dogs, symptoms include biting the skin, hair loss, and inflammation. Keeping on top of regular treatment to your dogs throughout the year with flea and tick prevention medications will help prevent fleas living on the dog. If you notice there is still irritation or signs of fleas, have a chat with your vet for more options. Adding garlic to the diet can help repal parasites, so add our Barker & Barker Garlic and Liver Treats to your basket today!) 


Dogs also suffer from pollen allergies just as we do.. The allergy receptors are in the skin rather than the eyes, like in humans, so they will often get itchy ears, rectal area, eyes, or oily and flaky skin. It is important to address this early on to prevent extreme irritation so speak to your vet who will normally provide you with antihistamines or steroids to soothe the symptoms. You can do things at home such as wiping the pollen of your dog’s feet when he’s been outside, and keeping the window closed in hot weather when then pollen count is at the highest levels to minimise symptoms.


The humid conditions and poor ventilation of kitchen and bathrooms are the most likely breeding spots for bacteria that causes mould. Spores typically cause itching and redness, although some allergies may be more serious. The obvious solution here is prevention by keeping the house well ventilated. If you find your dog is suffering with breathing difficulties as a result of mould, talk to your vet.

This article gives you a brief overview of some of the common allergies in dogs. There are sadly many triggers for allergies that can result in anything from transient mild symptoms, through to severe signs that need treatment from your vets.
Keep a watch on Barker&Barker for more healthcare information and veterinary news.


Posted On: 30/04/2017

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