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Is Dental Care Important For Your Dog?

Brushing your dogs’ teeth can be a challenge for many owners, but oral hygiene is actually an important issue for your pets as well as yourself. We don’t expect bad breath from our fellow humans so why are we so accepting of it from our canine companions? Dental disease is painful for your pet, and for your piggy bank, although this may not be your primary concern at the time.

The best method is prevention so it’s best to start learning about how dental disease occurs from the moment you take your new puppy home. Just as you would get him used to your new home, his new Barker & Barker Natural dog treats, you need to get him used to a brush and having you use it! Digestion begins in the mouth as enzymes in saliva start breaking food down immediately. Bacteria festers on the build-up of plaque on the teeth and damage the gums, causing them to inflame and recede.   (As an aside, garlic in the diet is a great way to help fight infections!It is a powerful antimicrobial and antibiotic and is effective in fighting various forms of internal or external bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, including in the mouth.  Barker and Barker Liver and Garlic treats are a must have!)

Of course the issue is always on how to know what is normal. This simply comes with time as you get to know your pet. There are obvious signs of an issue like bad breath or red, swollen gums, but what is normal for your dog may not be normal for another. Get to know your dogs’ teeth as well as you know his personality; not as appealing I know, but vital for their health.

The signs

  • Bad breath
  • Difficultly chewing
  • Bleeding and/or inflamed gums
  • Plaque build up
  • Missing or loose teeth (this is surely a sign that something is wrong)

Start slowly

Ease them into this brushing business slowly, particularly if you’re dealing with a pup who is not the most receptive to your new ideas about what constitutes playtime. You’ll want to find a way of keeping that toothbrush in his mouth without him thinking it’s a chew toy.

While I’ve been telling you the similarities between our own dental hygiene and caring for your dogs’ teeth, I’m afraid we’re not that similar, and the fluoride in our toothpaste is poisonous to dogs. Pick up special dog/cat toothpaste from a pet supply store or your vet, as well as a doggy toothbrush which will slot onto your finger. During the procedure, be sure to brush gently so as not to injure their gums. While a toothbrush is best, not all dogs will be receptive to it, but some form of cleaning is essential. I don’t care how much they moan, it’s for their own good. Resist those puppy eyes. It is also advisable to take them to have their teeth professionally cleaned if your Veterinary surgeon suggests this is advisable.

Educate yourself

While you will be quite accustomed to what your own teeth should look like in their healthy state, our canine friends do have a different set of choppers. You need to look out for different things so do your homework. Even Wikipedia can be a useful source!

Don’t underestimate the power of the experts

Always, always make sure you take your dog for regular check ups at the Vet. Your Veterinary surgeon or veterinary nurse should examine your dog's teeth during regular check-ups which should happen every 6-12 months. Reward them with their favourite Barker and Barker Treat to ensure they do not fear future visits!

Posted On: 22/02/2017

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